Improving communication with Team Building

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The old saying “communication is key” can sometimes seem a little cliche, but the truth is, its completely on the money. During Covid19, our communication patterns have changed dramatically, as we met virtually and online rather than in person. Its a valuable skill to develop in this day and age, but long term, it paramount we keep up all levels and forms of communication, in order to run our business practices effectively. Here at The Amazing Team Challenge, our Amazing Races that we hold in the Melbourne CBD, are such effective team building activities because we focus on all types of communication, including face to face, video, virtual, and written. When you’re looking to start building your team skills and communication skills up when we’re back in the office, look no further than one of our Amazing Races to get you sorted.

Here’s a short excerpt from a fantastic article on the cost of poor communication in business, and why it’s so important we keep those skills up:

“Research by US firm Gartner shows a staggering 70 per cent of mistakes in business are due to poor communication. Meanwhile technology market research firm The Radicati Group's latest Email Statistic Report states a third of emails go unopened.

It's little wonder poor communication can lead to increased stress, poor decision-making, muddied audit trails, legal disputes and business losses.”

Click here to read the full article.