Posts tagged Team Building
The importance of Team Building as we move beyond Covid19

“Neuroscience supports the idea that changing habits is greatly assisted by changing atmosphere,” Hoffman says. By allowing employees to get out of the office and engage in activities that are outside their normal sphere, they are prone to seeing their co-workers in a different light. And when this happens, they are more likely to bond on an interpersonal level.”

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Team Building: The need to engage with Employees

Delivering on the employee experience is HR’s top priority, and 58% of organizations are redesigning to become more people-centric. Yet, only 27% of executives believe employee experience will yield a business return. And, even though 61% of employees trust their employer to look after their well-being and 48% of executives rank it as a top workforce concern, only 29% of HR leaders have a health and well-being strategy.

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We're Back!

Exciting news this week as we announce the return of our Live events! We’re thrilled to be back and connecting you and your workplace through fun, dynamic and engaging events :)

Get in touch with us today at or give us a call on 1300 524 523

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Team Building Online - Why it's needed now more than ever

With the circumstance we find ourselves in, we’re able to break down the barriers of normal “meetings”, use the platforms in a new, fun and dynamic way and create an environment that allows colleagues to build relationships and connection through an engaging shared experience. It’s creating a change to the normal day-to-day procedures and allowing employees to let their hair down.

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New Product Launch! Online Team Building with ATC

Time’s have been tough and our Live events stopped when Covid came along back in March. But we’re thrilled to announce our new virtual team building event; The Hollywood Hunt! It’s an online Escape Room delivered through Zoom, and we can’t wait to get you involved. Check out the teaser video to see what you could expect!

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Team Building: Happiness and Employee Engagement

Current times make it tough to really engage with our employees and co-workers. We long for a time again when we can be in the same room. But as a result, engaging, inspiring and creating a positive environment for employees has never been so important. A team building event builds practical skills for workers to apply, but it also tells them their needs, mental state and wellbeing are also being considered. Team building games and activities are a great way to break up the grind, change the scenery [even if it’s virtual!] and give a whole new, engaging experience. It’s fun!

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Team Building: Are you Saying Sorry too much?

Group work often requires the combination of a number of different personalities. In fact, varying personalities and right balance of contributors and the variety of skills they bring is the the key to effective teamwork. However, without effective communication and the confidence to share your opinions, participate in discussion and debate and back your own ideas, are you limiting your potential in what you can bring to team orientated tasks?

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Team Building: Discovering the key to team success

“We’ve found that three of Hackman’s conditions—a compelling direction, a strong structure, and a supportive context—continue to be particularly critical to team success. In fact, today those three requirements demand more attention than ever. But we’ve also seen that modern teams are vulnerable to two corrosive problems—“us versus them” thinking and incomplete information. Overcoming those pitfalls requires a fourth critical condition: a shared mindset.”

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Team Building with ATC's 'Rona Riddles!

Here we go again…. ! Another week, another ‘Rona Riddle. The groundhog feels are real, but we’ve got some virtual team building activities covered for you with something to start you r day or cap off a Friday avo meeting. Good luck!

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Team Building: Happiness in the workplace

Happiness in the workplace is vital at the best of times, but given our current state in the pandemic, it seems even more pertinent. With so many of us working from home, the daily grind can feel monotonous and draining. Changing it up with some and different ways to engage employees, like team building activities, is so important to buck the trend and keep things spontaneous, as well as engaging employees in a different way.

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Team Building with ATC's 'Rona Riddles!

Team Building in lockdown made easy with another riddle from our series of brainteasers to keep those team building activities going, even in isolation! It's not quite one of our Amazing Races through the streets of Melbourne, but it's a great way to kick off your Friday! Good luck!

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Week 10 of Team Building with 'Rona Riddles

The Covid numbers are going up in Melbourne, and that means no signs ahead of the lockdown easing..... BUT its Friday, and that means two things: It's almost the weekend, and it's time for some team building fun with a #RonaRiddle!

We’ll have you back out there on one of our Amazing Races as soon as we can, till then, good luck with this weeks riddle.

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Improving interpersonal skills with Team Building

“The ability to foster interpersonal relationships, establish trust and communicate clearly are all crucial skills for an effective leader. A leader without the ability to connect with their team will inevitably fail in the long term, while valuable team members will likely jump ship in the short term.”

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Week 9 of Team Building with 'Rona Riddles

Well, we weren't exactly sure how long we'd be running these riddles, but it looks like it’s for another 6 weeks at least! Back in iso? Time to Team Build with another 'Rona Riddle!

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Improving communication with Team Building

Research by US firm Gartner shows a staggering 70 per cent of mistakes in business are due to poor communication. Meanwhile technology market research firm The Radicati Group's latest Email Statistic Report states a third of emails go unopened.

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