Team Building online: Dealing with Zoom Fatigue


With our online, virtual escape rooms, we use Zoom as our platform to deliver the vent. However, with everyone glued to their screens all day and in meetings, Zoom fatigue is becoming a real issue. We’ve taken great lengths to make sure that whilst you are looking at a screen, the experience is far from a standard “zoom meeting”, but even if you’re not working with us, how do you make sure you’re not burning out?

Well luck for us, a new study from Stanford University in California was published recently in the journal Technology, Mind and Behaviour and is the first peer-reviewed article to look at Zoom fatigue.

Here’s an excerpt: “… taken the medium apart and assessed Zoom on its individual technical aspects. He has identified four consequences of prolonged video chats that he says contribute to the feeling commonly known as “Zoom fatigue.”

Bailenson stressed that his goal is not to vilify any particular videoconferencing platform – he appreciates and uses tools like Zoom regularly – but to highlight how current implementations of videoconferencing technologies are exhausting and to suggest interface changes, many of which are simple to implement. Moreover, he provides suggestions for consumers and organizations on how to leverage the current features on videoconferences to decrease fatigue.”

Click Here to read the full article