Team Building and the Science behind it.

Science behind Team Building

We’ve all heard the phrase “communication is key”, but does it really ring true?

Turns out it does, and there is science and data behind it to back it up. A group at MIT’s Human Dynamics Laboratory have identified the elusive group dynamics that characterise high-performing teams—those blessed with the energy, creativity, and shared commitment to far surpass other teams. These dynamics are observable, quantifiable, and measurable. And, perhaps most important, teams can be taught how to strengthen them.

At The Amazing Team Challenge, our Amazing Races combine many forms of communication including face-to-face, video, text and phone calls. Its this wide cross section of communication experiences and mediums that make it such a well rounded Team Building event. What you wont find is any clipboards and word doc printouts… because it’s 2020 and we can do better!

Here’s an interesting excerpt from the article:

“We equipped all the members of those teams with electronic badges that collected data on their individual communication behaviour—tone of voice, body language, whom they talked to and how much, and more. With remarkable consistency, the data confirmed that communication indeed plays a critical role in building successful teams. In fact, we’ve found patterns of communication to be the most important predictor of a team’s success. Not only that, but they are as significant as all the other factors—individual intelligence, personality, skill, and the substance of discussions—combined.”

To read the full article, click here: